MakeThumb(source, "/path/to/source/image_padded.JPG", pad=True) Thumb = ImageOps.fit(image, size, Image.ANTIALIAS, (0.5, 0.5)) #!/usr/bin/env pythonįrom PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageOpsĭef makeThumb(f_in, f_out, size=(80,80), pad=False): Here is a version that can do either center crop or pad fit. Unless you can make a really sensible guess at a proper center crop without losing possible important image data on the edges, a padded fit approach will work better.

The image is offset to the center, so you end up with black padding but no image cropping. Then it crops it back out to actually fill the size of your bounds (since unless the original image was square, it will be smaller now), and we find the proper offset to center the image. It first uses the thumbnail operation to bring the image down to within your original bounds and preserving the aspect. Thumb = ImageChops.offset(thumb, offset_x, offset_y) Offset_y = max( (size - image_size) / 2, 0 ) Offset_x = max( (size - image_size) / 2, 0 ) Here is my take on doing a padded fit for an image: #!/usr/bin/env python Python - Idiom to check if string is empty, print default.Django Celery: manage.py celeryd returns "Unknown Command" 15 I would like to create a Python script to resize images, but not changing its proportions, just by adding a white background (So, a : 500700 px image would transform to a 700700 px image by adding 100 px of a white band on each side) The three image types I use are.

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